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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And Snot Shall Fall

At what point in your life did you wake up and say...

"You know what... For the rest of my life I want to wipe dirty tushies, have snot rubbed on my clothes... face... and clean up stuff that has no words to describe it..."

Myself? I have no memory of ever making that statement however, I must have at some point because I'm living it this week... As I commented on in the last post, everyone here at the Shenanigans household is sick... Yes even DH has subcome to the nasty bug that has been feeding off the rest of us...

All SAHP (stay-at-home-parents) know what this means... Your body is aching and it defies every command that you give it yet you trudge on... You step over the child that is curled up in a ball on the floor...

"Moooommmm.... moooommmm... I.. (cough cough) need (cough) a tissue..."
(you kick push the box that is within arm reach )

On past the spouse that is laying on the couch begging for soup...

"Babe... did you make the soup yet? I feel like I'm dying..."
(watch as they change the channel on the TV.. knowing that they aren't as sick as the rest of you)

on still past with the baby in your arms... snot bubbles popping with each breath she takes...

Then you reach the kitchen and proceed to cook soup, make hot drinks, grab extra boxes of tissue, and all the while you are coughing up your left lung and sniffling.... And you do this all on no sleep because throughout the night you were up with the oldest child... Then every hour with the baby trying to figure out what will help her get to sleep this time... and finally just as you lay down on the soft, comfortable, clean, warm bed you look over and see that it is morning and in the distance you hear....

"mooom... mooom.." (barf)...(slash)...(barf)

As soon as I am able to actually keep anything down I'm having a drink and toast my fellow SAHPs.... Anyone that wants to join is free to do so...

Oh crud I think I just heard one of the dogs cough!!!


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